Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Obama convention?

As the thrilling communist hosted Beijing olympics come to a close, all eyes will now focus on the exciting socialist extravaganza about to begin at the oxygen challenged mile high city of Denver known popularly as the "2008 Democratic Convention". The stage is now fully set for the for the world to witness the Democrats, as they rally together and make sure all the votes are counted and recounted for the coronation ceremony of their nominee who could very well turn out to be Hillary after all.

After the Obama-Hillary primary frenzy, suddenly one day Mrs. Clinton just went silent. Hillary's screech has not been heard in weeks. At times one could almost forget that she was ever in the race. Come to think of it, no one can really ever recall her pulling out of it either. But one glorious morning somehow, the sun shined and Obama was anointed the chosen one, even-though the delegate votes have still yet to be cast and counted.

Unfortunately as the summer dragged on, time has not been kind to the new Kenyan-American savior. Despite push polls, a fawning main stream media, and trips to Berlin and France to bless his European constituency, Obama's poll numbers never reached the heavenly heights of the promised land. His media disciples reluctantly started to notice and wonder why he was not further ahead. Things started falling to earth further. To the media's dismay, the downward poll trend continued and showed their new Hope for Humanity tied with his mere mortal contender. Meanwhile the soothing enchanting sounds of song birds filled the summer air as Hillary was quieter than a cat waiting for it's prey.

With barely a week before the actual convention the media managed wean itself from the cool-aid long enough to release the most sobering of polls.

McCain leads Obama by a solid 5 points in this latest Zogby-Reuters poll. "wiping out Obama's solid 7-point advantage in July and taking his first lead in the monthly Reuters/Zogby poll". The poll reveals further another mortal blow, "Obama's support among Democrats fell 9 percentage points this month".

At last pledge, it was Obama 2229.5, Hillary 1896.5. (2111 delegates needed to win nomination) Of course among those are 823 "super delegates" i.e Democrat party professionals who can change their vote with the wind). Among the elite super delegate group are the esteemed former NY Governor, Eliot Spitzer and Detroit mayor/felon Kwame Killpatrick. Hillary just needs 215 of these upstanding super delegates to swoon her way to secure the nomination. Should this happen, Mrs. Clinton's silence these past few months will have given her the perfect innocent bystander alibi. Upon the announcement of the shocking election upset, a bouquet of roses and a silver crown should complete the ceremony as cameras around the world capture Hillary's Miss America moment as she claims what was rightfully hers.

1 comment:

David Gerard said...

The media will tell you: it's sooo close! Really!