Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why can't Obama and a Democrat Supermajority carry out their socialist agenda?

The Facts:
The messianic President Obama and a Democrat Congress have on paper to pass any legislation they want. Republicans can stay home as they are powerless.
Common sense concludes the socialist health care takeover should be an inevitable fait-accompli. Yet it has not yet come to pass. Furthermore, it seems the Democrat socialist speed train is coming off the tracks.

The Reality:
What has happened? The answer is staring us all in the mirror. YOU ARE THE ANSWER. We are the reason that Obamunism and a supermajority Democrat Congress has been unable to ram the poison pill of socialized medicine down our throats. WE THE PEOPLE, have been protesting at every opportunity. It's not the Republicans, the RINOS, it's not even the majority Democrats who will fight for us. It's each and everyone of us pulling our selves up from our boot straps that have taken up the opposition. It's the enraged citizen. YOU are having an effect. You the American citizen have derailed the plan. Simple old fashioned American grassroots protests are working. We need keep up the pressure and ramp it up some more and revolt. If we lose our country and you didn't become active and speak out, yell or rip into your Congresscritter with a letter you will have no else than yourself to blame.
Remember our government derives it power solely by the "consent of the governed".

Silent no more!

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