Sunday, September 12, 2010

Did 19 Muslims burn Korans on September 11th, 2001?

by Jacques Ditte

As the threat of a “Koran burning” turned into a Category 5 media-hysteria storm, I suddenly wondered about the protocol regarding the disposing of a Koran. Being a devout Judeo-Christian ( aka “infidel”) and not being versed in the rules regarding the destruction or disposal of a Koran, I wondered if there was a precedent regarding instances of Koran burning, and wondered further, if Q’rans had ever been set a-flame on any September 11th?

Indeed, the desecration of any holy instrument is repugnant. Hopefully, the indescribable horror of Americans having to witness graphic images of countless pages of arabic scripture curling away and turning to ash from the deliberate flame of a match, will not soon be seared into our minds as a painful reminder of our insensitivity toward this religion.

Therefore, I sincerely put out the following question. On September 11th, 2001, did the 19 hijackers carry a copy of the “Holy Qu’ran” with them, when they few 4 planes into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the fields of Pennsylvania killing 3,000 innocent Americans? If so, I would have to reasonably assume that those 19 Korhans would have been burned in the resulting conflagrations.

Do suicide bombers carry Qurans with them when they walk into a busy shopping center and detonate themselves in the name of Allah?

In the hope towards better understanding of this “religion of peace”, I legitimately ask: Is Quoran burning appropriate, only when you are killing yourself along with other innocents around you? Or is it the responsibility to keep the Holy Kuran in a safe place, say in your soon-to-be-former home when you walk out that special day to meet the 72 virgins in the name of Allah?

Perhaps Islamic experts could instruct us on the appropriate protocol. I understand the Imam who wants to build the mosque near the ruins of the former towers would be knowledgeable in this area, as would the current President of the United States, who himself proudly boasts of his Islamic schooling. As both are quite competent in this field, perhaps they would be willing to provide answers to these burning questions?

Sunday, September 5, 2010


This high energy music video has all the elements to give the left a coronary! From Obama to Pelosi no one is spared. Ronald Reagan is even in it. It’s catchy too. Could become the ‘rallying theme song’ for this fall!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


"...AND THE PEOPLE WHO KNOCKED THESE BUILDINGS DOWN WILL HAVE A MOSQUE BUILT IN THEIR HONOR" – Imam Obama, ( had he had a megaphone and been there in Bush's place, walking through the rubble of the Twin Towers)

On Sept 14th 2001, President Bush standing on the smoldering rubble of the Twin towers said:
"I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon"

He never dreamed of ... "and the people who knocked these buildings down will have a mosque built in their honor"

Obama strongly supporting the Ground Zero mosque at a Ramadan White House dinner" Is not crossing the line. It's crossing the Grand Canyon! He is clearly on the side of of islamic terrorists.

Instinctively the average American understands the sacrilegious betrayal of the islamic, community organizing, goat herding, terrorist sympathizer who claims to be President. There's no coming back from this.


He is now IOTUS "Imam Of The United States"

This issue will now spread across our nation like wildfire. For the first time millions of Americans who have been on the fence of denial, will no longer be able to ignore his unequivocal support, to build the "victory over America mosque "in the shadow of 3,000 American souls were were massacred almost a decade ago.

For now let winds stoke the wildfire that has just begun. I have my sincere doubts that this Imam running our nation will complete his 4 year turn. The 25th Amendment calls for removal of an unfit president. Impeachment and other legal avenues abound. All should be pursued.

"We will not waiver, We will not tire, We will not falter, We will not fail!"– President George W. Bush


Through the clouds of chaos, the frightening scenario of the Democrat's suicide plan, seems to be coming in to focus.
And based on political natures, they may be crazy as foxes.

Here's how the next two years could very well unfold:

1. Republican establishment remains passive and just watches idly by, as Democrats implode.

2. Democrats lose heavily in November.

3. Republicans are now at the helm, with no vision, apparent plan, nor engaging strong vocal leader to communicate their message and strategy.

4. The Democrat policy 'time bombs' (Massive 2011 tax increases, Obamacare, Financial reforms etc..) blow up and come to full bloom as Republicans control congress. By design, the economy tanks, and the media hold the magnifying glass to the Republicans and blame them for the current disaster.

5. Republicans stuck on 'bi-partisan moderatism' (Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Lindsey Grahmnesty, Michael Steele and career RINO friends) fail to attack & pin the blame on the Dems. With half-measures, and stalemates, the economy continues to tank, and media perception will act as a multiplier. Obama can now blame the Republicans for things being worse.

6. The People grow ever more discontented and now disillusioned with the Republicans, as things don't get better, and they are unable to untangling the real mess they inherited.

7. 2012 approaches and the People now blame the Republicans (due to their own self-imposed moderatism), with the MSM broadcasting this at the full 50,000 watts. Obama now can shift the blame. Obama gets re-elected and the Dems pick up seats.

8. Jan 20 2013: The end of the Untied States as we knew it. We are now firmly and permanent stuck on the HOV lane to socialist statism.

9. Eventual solution: history repeats itself: "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while the evils are sufferable,than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security" — Declaration of Independence. 1776

I pray that you and your fellow elected Republicans understand that the rules of engagement need to be clear. TAKE OUT THE OPPOSITION. NO COMPROMISE ON PRINCIPLES. THE DEMOCRATS, AND WEAK REPUBLICANS IN YOUR RANKS, ARE YOUR ENEMY.

Read and re-read the Constitution. The answer to saving our nation, lies in the wisdom of this founding document. Let it be your guide and your conscience.

In Liberty,

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Friday, April 16, 2010


As a signatory to the Kyoto protocol in 2002, Iceland took a solemn oath to actively reduce dangerous life threatening greenhouse gases emissions.(GHG) (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur hexafluoride).

Iceland's recent outrageous volcanic emissions of toxic global warming gases and smoke, are a blatant slap in the face to all people in our global community, who've worked so hard to save our planet.
As Americans work diligently to reduce their own oversized carbon footprint, by using eco-friendly mercury-laden compact fluorescent lights, restrain from using heavily polluting lawn-mowers and leaf blowers, and rediscover the time tested wind & solar renewable energies, successfully used by Romans and Egyptians to help build their empires, it is evident that the unchecked volcanic proliferation of rogue nations such as Iceland, is not helping cure the earth's fever.

The United Nations must call an emergency meeting of the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Unregulated volcanic nations must take immediate steps to control their volcanoes, or install EnergyStar compliant pollution scrubbers, catalytic converters and carbon capture and containment technology on top of their volcanoes to prevent unchecked emissions.

To date, Iceland has not apologized for it's crimes against our planet. Perhaps some good old fashioned diplomacy, will help them see the light.

I call on President Obama to issue an executive order demanding that Iceland cease and desist these illegal gas emissions from this unregulated volcano.

Call President Obama today, and demand Cap and Trade sanctions against Iceland. Iceland must immediately Cap it's volcano, or we will cease all Trade with them.

Jacques Ditte

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Liberty Leak

Liberty Leak.

In physics, the Laws of Entropy dictate that all matter changes from an ‘organized state’ to one of ‘disorganization’. Inevitably, over time, no physical matter escapes entropy. Whether it’s a new computer, a shinny new car, a rod of radioactive uranium, a majestic mountain, or a perfect newborn baby, the universe’s Time Keeper vigilantly pushes us all towards our eventual inescapable crumbling demise.

Fortunately we humans have been able to create majestic monuments of organization that outlive us and even push back the certain decay that will follow. During our fleeting existence we all get to build and enjoy our castles in the sand. Throughout the generations we have learned to repair, improve, and diligently safeguard our more worthy creations from the incessant termite-like erosion from entropy.

Our miraculous Constitution and our Freedoms are no exception. Over time, liberty will naturally decay and want to give way to regulation and tyranny.

Ronald Reagan declared: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

Indeed to preserve our Liberty we must endure the pains of maintaining it. Liberty’s strongest foe is apathy; and apathy is entropy’s best friend.

As 2009 seamlessly morphed into 2010, we need to redouble our vigilance.

Everyday that governments assemble across our globe, is another day where Liberty is lost.

Every time Congress or your local Town government assembles, new legislation is drafted, another regulation or tax is put in place, and another Liberty quietly slips away.

Mark Twain accurately said: "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while Congress is in session."

As a resolution for this new year, consider being vigilant as if your life and the future of your children depended on it. Push back harder against government’s natural inclination to grow, rule and dominate. Speak up, speak out, and for a change, demand legislation that increases Liberty instead of squashing it. On Liberty, there can be no compromise. You are either free or you are ruled.

Happy New Year!

Jacques Ditte
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Jacques Ditte: Extended bio.

I am a first generation American, born in New York, of French parents.
My passion for politics came no doubt from the life experiences my parents endured and overcame. My love for the United States as the last greatest bastion of Freedom, has existed since my earliest childhood memories.

My father & mother grew up in during WWII in occupied France. My father was taken prisoner, was forced to quarter German soldiers in his home. My Uncle was the French Resistance.

My mother, lived through the occupation, plane bombings and daily food rationing. She lived with food rationing and witnessed French citizens executed by Nazi soldiers on her way to school.

Last year, I survived a hard battle with throat and lymph node cancer. Cancer is a life altering chapter in one’s life. In my case it further cemented my core values and blessed me with a special appreciation of the finite time we all have.

Asides from volunteering my time to help other cancer patients through “Blog For a Cure”, I now focus my time and energies on causes I believe in; notably the promotion of our nation’s founding principles of Individual liberty, by helping those people and organizations who wish to preserve the same.

I am fundamentally guided by my unwavering knowledge that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. I am an unabashed Constitutional Conservative. My political values are firmly grounded in Individual Liberty, limited government and State Sovereignty. The core Constitutional principles of our Union for which that hundreds of thousands of patriots fought and died.