On Sept 14th 2001, President Bush standing on the smoldering rubble of the Twin towers said:
"I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon"
He never dreamed of ... "and the people who knocked these buildings down will have a mosque built in their honor"
Obama strongly supporting the Ground Zero mosque at a Ramadan White House dinner" Is not crossing the line. It's crossing the Grand Canyon! He is clearly on the side of of islamic terrorists.
Instinctively the average American understands the sacrilegious betrayal of the islamic, community organizing, goat herding, terrorist sympathizer who claims to be President. There's no coming back from this.
He is now IOTUS "Imam Of The United States"
This issue will now spread across our nation like wildfire. For the first time millions of Americans who have been on the fence of denial, will no longer be able to ignore his unequivocal support, to build the "victory over America mosque "in the shadow of 3,000 American souls were were massacred almost a decade ago.
For now let winds stoke the wildfire that has just begun. I have my sincere doubts that this Imam running our nation will complete his 4 year turn. The 25th Amendment calls for removal of an unfit president. Impeachment and other legal avenues abound. All should be pursued.
"We will not waiver, We will not tire, We will not falter, We will not fail!"– President George W. Bush
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