Our 4.5 billion year old planet earth’s atmosphere is currently made up of about 79% nitrogen and 20% oxygen and a staggering 0.038% of carbon dioxide (C02). Yes in the last century the amount of C02 has gone up from 0.035% to the astronomically suffocating amount of 0.038% which is almost 4 one hundredths of one percent! And so according to global warming gestapo it is the 3 thousandths of a percent increase in C02 that is turning mother earth in to a convection oven. How else could you explain the fact that when you compare 100 year old thermometer readings to today’s satellite readings, the earth might have warmed by about 1 degree in the last century?
The facts that are being ignored are that water vapor is single handedly responsible for 95% of the ‘greenhouse effect’, without which we would all freeze to death, and the other obvious fact is, that the insignificant levels of C02 could not possibly be responsible for the warming and cooling that has been taking place naturally for the few thousand years we’ve been standing on two feet and the billions of years before that.
But facts be damned. As my father used to say, there is the truth and then there is the Official Truth.
Under the guise of saving the planet and caring for our children, governments at all levels, led by pandering politicians, have quickly realized that waving the green flag is great way to show they really really care, all the while socking it to us with new taxes. The carbon footprint is the government’s very own new lucrative gold rush. In order to fight the evil carbon dioxide, the gas every living creature exhales, including Al Gore, the government now has a moral duty to tax us, to control our lives and do whatever else needs to be done to reduce our Carbon Footprint in the battle to stop the sweltering inferno we are already living in.
The cost of “being green” is all around us. Congress has already banned the incandescent bulb. In 3 1/2 years you will only be allowed to buy the supposed enviro friendly mercury laden compact fluorescents. Cars in 2012 will be forced by our government to average 35 mpg which means you will have to squeeze into a smaller car like it or not. Oil is now over $112/ barrel as new domestic drilling has been banned for years, at every attempt. New oil drilling has been stopped by our Congress, up in Alaska, and off shore. New York State has over 60 cents a gallon taxes plus a 8.75% sales tax on each gallon sold. So the more gasoline prices go up, the more NY State tax gouges us. Some states are now charging higher car registration fees for evil SUVs than for the ”eco friendly” hybrids. Government has been subsidizing 50cents/gallon for ethanol production. Meanwhile corn, a basic food staple, is now being used to make ethanol. And that has pushed up the price of virtually all food, as corn prices have now gone through the roof. California even tried to remotely take control of homeowners individual thermostats.
As new green measures are added weekly and take root, you can bet your already over taxed ranch that you will be the one who will be forced to pay yet a little more.
The question becomes how much longer do we remain silent like passive cattle to slaughter? When will common sense return to the citizenry of this great nation? When will you, the common citizen stand up and remember that “governments derive their just powers, only from the consent of the governed”? When will you stand up for your ever shrinking rights and repel the long train of abuses and usurpations you are voluntarily submitting yourself to by your very silence?
While we still have First Amendment rights, I challenge you to speak up and publicly denounce the global warming hoax. I submit to you, it’s not the Carbon Footprint we should be worried about, it is the ever increasing size of the Government Footprint that will crush us all.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
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