Tuesday, January 29, 2013


by Jacques Ditte 1/29/2013

We all know that no right is absolute. Even a leftist will tell you that you can't just yell out "fire", in a crowded theater. Indeed a valid point with which no reasonable person could disagree.

Across our nation, federal, state, and local governments are focused on the controversial Second Amendment, which claims that people have an "individual right to keep and bear arms" and furthermore that this right "shall not be infringed."

We must keep in mind that back then, arms were muskets, that would fire a lead ball, provided that the flint successfully lit the gunpowder. Then it would take a couple of minutes to reload the musket before it could fire again. Today's firearms, such as the evil assault weapons, can hold and fire 30 to 50 rounds of ammunition in just a few seconds. The socialist-educated elite correctly point out that  "surely our Founders never could have conceived of such a weapon when drafting this "supposed individual right to bear arms." Again, this is indeed a point on which most people will have to agree, especially given the fact that the Bill of Rights was handwritten over two centuries ago, on a piece of  parchment paper that would doubtfully pass the authenticity of a notary public.

The brilliant minds of intellectuals, do give us little plebes occasion to pause and think about such issues,  that most of our little pedestrian brains, are unable to fully grasp.
So with reluctance, but in the hope of feigning the semblance of a pointy head,  I decided to progressively apply the same reasoning to our First Amendment.

When the  Founders, wrote the Bill of Rights some 223 years ago and self-decreed to us, the right to "free speech", the reality was that people only spoke one on one, to family members, a few friends at a time, or perhaps at most, to a large assembly of a couple hundred  religious white fanatics in a town square during an exciting slave auction.

When we discuss "free speech" we should heed to the reality, that our Founders never could have imagined 'free speech' today. A country, where personal thoughts and opinions  are casually broadcast over a 50,000 watt radio station,  or even having a potentially crazed individual like  a "Rush Limbaugh" having the the power to single-handedly disseminate in an unrelenting stream of consciousness, subversively provocative  statements,  using  the full capacity of  high powered television and radio networks.

Indeed it is one thing to express yourself candidly to your life partner, but quite another, to be able to carelessly blurt out harmful,  offensive comments,  at will.

As we instinctively agree that  shouting "fire" in a crowded theater of a 100 people is not permissible, then surely it goes to reason, that our Founders never intended,  individuals  to communicate "freely" using powerful long distance cell phones, or CB radios with anyone, at will, anywhere in the country.

It is inarguable that the framers of the Constitution never mentioned or imagined the concepts of 'free speech' to extend to empowering an individual without any background check whatsoever or government licensing,  to be able to freely opine some potential blasphemy to thousands  of unsuspecting mothers and children, through the use of  Twitter, Facebook, or texting.

Governor Andrew Cuomo wisely said, "You don't need 10 bullets to kill a deer"  and likewise you don't need a high-capacity 500 channel television set to watch C-Span, nor do you need a 64 gigabyte iphone, to talk with your next door neighbor!

While not evil in themselves, these mass communication devices,  must be strictly controlled, licensed and regulated. Consequently anything beyond a blow horn, only belongs in the hands of experienced government officials.

Well educated people will come to clearly understand, that by their very nature and virtue, Governments, need to govern. The government has an obligation and self-appointed duty to reach the masses, to keep them assured and well informed,  in order to help them  passively follow regulations and mandates.
Indeed these  timeless concepts of compliance and sacrifice are the pillars of what the Founding Fathers intended for us all,  when drafting our Constitution. Our richly diverse Rainbow Society makes us all one people united by our Government, for the Greater Good.

So next time your hear someone boast about their "First Amendment rights", you should immediately report them, as they need to understand that "free speech"  clearly "ends at you neighbors door."

Sunday, December 18, 2011


This letter is not targeted any elected public servant in particular. My hope that in this Christmas and Hanukkah season, when life focuses around our individual families and blessings, it will trigger in all public servants who read it, a pause and cause for reflection. ( fat chance :)

While “Global Warming” was a good primer, for people across the world, to clamor for a green God (Government) to bring us salvation from our sins, or face the impending doom of life on a “planet with a fever”, today the new fashionable term is “sustainability”. And it is all encompassing.

Sustainability is the next step in the green government religion, to mandate what statists want, at the local level.

It is undeniable, that the Rahm Emmanuel’s ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ concept, is driving this latest assault on all aspects of our private lives.

All you need are a few of willing $cientists and ‘experts’ to testify that, _______ is a problem, which is not sustainable. Ergo, Government is now morally justified and obligated to take action for the greater good, and legislate new mandates at the local level.

The Great Prohibition is back, new and improved for the 21st Century, living in the “cloud” as a “Virtual Amendment”, and it now prohibits anything and everything falls under it’s limitless authority, to accomplish social change. Nothing is out of it’s reach. Plastic shopping bag bans, mandates to have toxic mercury-laden curly bulbs. Outlawing 100 watt bulbs on Jan1st 2012. Calorie counts on menus, Ethanol in gasoline. Banning oil drilling & fracking, mandating solar farms, and windmills, banning lead in bullets, forcing one to buy health insurance (obamacare). The list is endless.

To wit, locally on Long Island, it is the perceived “threat to our underground aquifer” that is the new ‘crisis’, hence the latest driving a force to mandate new personal water consumption habits. All individuals need to be forced off their private wells and hooked to a single source provider, The “Water Authority”, so we can be better regulated by our all benevolent green God; In Government we Trust!

Since “Sustainability” is the new politically fashionable term, I submit to you the sober, undeniable Truth: The reality is, Government is not sustainable.
Government spending is not sustainable.
Government deficits are not sustainable.
Government growth is not sustainable.
Government digging ever deeper in our pockets not sustainable
Government’s behavior to reflexively pass restrictive legislation on everything real or imagined, is not sustainable.

When you are among your government peers, I wonder what percentage of legislation you consider, is restrictive and punitive, and how much legislation is liberating to the individual citizen?

Every day across this great nation, when a government body comes into session, a new personal liberty is lost to a mandate.
That is clearly not sustainable.

How many more new laws can we the People, sustain, before our elected representative, Servants of the People, have successfully shackled us into serfdom, and become our Rulers?

To remain “sustainable”, governments had better take a lesson from nature,
for Sustainability is the talent of the parasite.


Jacques Ditte

“all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while the evils are sufferable,
than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”
— Declaration of Independence. 1776

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Dear Senator LaValle,

I just received your email regarding your celebration of the government solar panel project on long island, where you describe "green energy" as "the blueprint to our nation's future".

As you know I am a great supporter of yours. However the construction of the largest solar panel array on long island, is a shinning behemoth of government waste. It's stuns me that your are caught up in the green stampede of stupidity.

Whether the money came from the Feds, the State, or the County, the cost is ultimately born by the private sector and people like me.
Please tell me Senator, what is the return on investment of such a boondoggle? What is the cost per watt, on this government white elephant?

Of course no government project is complete without an ample new staff of new government employees and their obscene benefits which will be paid by further picking our pockets by threat of law. How much will I be paying for these new managers of this shinning accomplishment of government ingenuity.

Senator it saddens me to see you cheering this absurdity and buying into the 'green sustainability' politically correct movement.

Government did not invent the oil well. Private enterprising Americans did. The Government did not create the iphone, though it did mandate the taxes for it, and the iphone did not require one dime of federal tax credits or subsidies to entice people to buy them.

However government is responsible for Ethanol which requires federal subsidies for people to buy it and consequently causing corn prices (a food staple) to rise exponentially. The brilliant Chevy Electric Volt with a range of 27 miles at a cost of 50 thousand dollars, is another great government accomplishment.

Much to it's credit Government did build a nuclear power plant in Shoreham . It was supposed to cost millions according to the government, yet ended up costing billions of taxpayer dollars. It was shutdown before it even opened, by the Government. Result you and I are paying a monthly 120% monthly surcharge, making our electricity the costliest in the nation.

Nuclear energy is sustainable energy. Oil drilling and pipelines are sustainable reliable energy. And they are all provided by the PRIVATE sector, and they instantly propelled our nation to become the greatest most prosperous nation on earth. Our Greatness is sustainable, but government pilled on the taxes, the regulations the mandates, the restrictions on exploration drilling and building nuclear plants.
Result we are now paying $4/gallon for gasoline with over 40 mandated Basskin-Robins blends.

As a public servant, Mr. LaValle I respectfully ask you re-evaluate what you believe the role of government should be. May I suggest you find the answer by re-read ingthe Constitution, starting with the Declaration of Independence.
You are not our providers. Your are not our nannies nor our rulers. Your job is paid for by me and the millions of New Yorkers. You govern only at our consent.

So please return to your founding principles,. The values you possess that have made you an accomplished decent representative of the people.

Please focus on legislation that works to RESTORE our INDIVIDUAL liberties instead of finding ways to put more shackles on us. Focus on legislation to remove the impediments and taxes you have placed on business.

But asking us to cheer for another wasteful government project is insulting.

Have a Great Thanksgiving. If you want your turkey to be cooked in time for your dinner, I suggest you don't gamble on a sunny day, to get those solar panels fired up to keep your oven running.
Try sustainable gas or electric ovens (powered by coal or oil). Your family will thank you for it :)

Respectfully your avid supporter,

Jacques Ditte
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Friday, November 18, 2011


Though incorrectly attributed to Dr. Thomas Sowell.
This is a brilliant assessment our nation at this hour in history:

The current Occupy Wall Street movement is the best illustration to date of what President Barack Obama's America looks like. It is an America where the lawless, unaccomplished, ignorant and incompetent rule. It is an America where those who have sacrificed nothing pillage and destroy the lives of those who have sacrificed greatly.

It is an America where history is rewritten to honor dictators, murderers and thieves. It is an America where violence, racism, hatred, class warfare and murder are all promoted as acceptable means of overturning the American civil society.

It is an America where humans have been degraded to the level of animals:
defecating in public, having sex in public, devoid of basic hygiene. It is an America where the basic tenets of a civil society, including faith, family, a free press and individual rights, have been rejected. It is an America where our founding documents have been shredded and, with them, every person's guaranteed liberties.

It is an America where, ultimately, great suffering will come to the American people, but the rulers like Obama, Michelle Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, liberal college professors, union bosses and other loyal liberal/Communist Party members will live in opulent splendor.

It is the America that Obama and the Democratic Party have created with the willing assistance of the American media, Hollywood , unions, universities, the Communist Party of America, the Black Panthers and numerous anti-American foreign entities.

Barack Obama has brought more destruction upon this country in four years than any other event in the history of our nation, but it is just the beginning of what he and his comrades are capable of.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is just another step in their plan for the annihilation of America.

"Socialism, in general, has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual
could ignore or evade it." – Thomas Sowell

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Obama: Community Organizing the Middle East.

With a desperate attempt to shape history, Obama rushed to capitalize and insert himself in the middle of the Egyptian unrest. With a pathetic emulation of George W. Bush standing with a megaphone on the rubble of the Twin towers, Obama in full God like reverb, assured the people of Egypt “We hear you, the rest of the world hears you…” and in a flash, Mubarak was forced out, and 30 years of stability have now vanished.

Sadly, Jimmy Carter’s solitary accomplishment, the Camp David peace accords, between Egypt and Israel are suddenly as irrelevant as our current President.

Now the Muslim Brotherhood, with the help of Iran and some Al Quaida support, will start the real revolution. Egypt will quite likely face a fundamentalist Islamic takeover.

Geographically, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait UAE and of course Israel will be surrounded by an Ayatollah led Egypt to the West and to the East by Iran. A perfect squeeze play.

As Obama’s vision of Egyptian Hope and change morphs into chaos, decapitations and Sharia law, our man-child will promptly reset his laser like focus on American jobs and the Economy.

Should the flow of oil through the Suez canal be in jeopardy, our warships will be noticeably absent giving the Russians their just turn to control the region, we unfairly patrolled during our years as a lone superpower.

Obama fell into the perfect trap. Of course the Kool-Aid drinking obamatons, only see the media narrative ,that the people of Egypt just wanted Democracy.

My friends, this is not Democracy in action. It is history repeating itself, in action. Chaos of biblical proportions is now a very possible outcome to befall the Middle East as the real Islamic revolution begins, now that Mubarak is out of the way.

Oil supply disruption. Overthrow of Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries. Israel in an even more dire predicament are just some of the exciting scenarios that could play out.

But worry not, our glorious visionary leader will save the day. Thanks to the repeal of don’t ask don’t tell, our rainbow military moral, is now at an all time high! Meanwhile exciting 40 mile range electric cars, plans for high speed rail, curly mercury bulbs and other green economic marvels will surely propel our economy to new heights of near 80% employment.

Obama: Community Organizing the Middle East.

With a desperate attempt to shape history, Obama rushed to capitalize and insert himself in the middle of the Egyptian unrest. With a pathetic emulation of George W. Bush standing with a megaphone on the rubble of the Twin towers, Obama in full God like reverb, assured the people of Egypt “We hear you, the rest of the world hears you…” and in a flash, Mubarak was forced out, and 30 years of stability have now vanished.

Sadly, Jimmy Carter’s solitary accomplishment, the Camp David peace accords, between Egypt and Israel are suddenly as irrelevant as our current President.

Now the Muslim Brotherhood, with the help of Iran and some Al Quaida support, will start the real revolution. Egypt will quite likely face a fundamentalist Islamic takeover.

Geographically, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait UAE and of course Israel will be surrounded by an Ayatollah led Egypt to the West and to the East by Iran. A perfect squeeze play.

As Obama’s vision of Egyptian Hope and change morphs into chaos, decapitations and Sharia law, our man-child will promptly reset his laser like focus on American jobs and the Economy.

Should the flow of oil through the Suez canal be in jeopardy, our warships will be noticeably absent giving the Russians their just turn to control the region, we unfairly patrolled during our years as a lone superpower.

Obama fell into the perfect trap. Of course the Kool-Aid drinking obamatons, only see the media narrative ,that the people of Egypt just wanted Democracy.

My friends, this is not Democracy in action. It is history repeating itself, in action. Chaos of biblical proportions is now a very possible outcome to befall the Middle East as the real Islamic revolution begins, now that Mubarak is out of the way.

Oil supply disruption. Overthrow of Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries. Israel in an even more dire predicament are just some of the exciting scenarios that could play out.

But worry not, our glorious visionary leader will save the day. Thanks to the repeal of don’t ask don’t tell, our rainbow military moral, is now at an all time high! Meanwhile exciting 40 mile range electric cars, plans for high speed rail, curly mercury bulbs and other green economic marvels will surely propel our economy to new heights of near 80% employment.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Did 19 Muslims burn Korans on September 11th, 2001?

by Jacques Ditte

As the threat of a “Koran burning” turned into a Category 5 media-hysteria storm, I suddenly wondered about the protocol regarding the disposing of a Koran. Being a devout Judeo-Christian ( aka “infidel”) and not being versed in the rules regarding the destruction or disposal of a Koran, I wondered if there was a precedent regarding instances of Koran burning, and wondered further, if Q’rans had ever been set a-flame on any September 11th?

Indeed, the desecration of any holy instrument is repugnant. Hopefully, the indescribable horror of Americans having to witness graphic images of countless pages of arabic scripture curling away and turning to ash from the deliberate flame of a match, will not soon be seared into our minds as a painful reminder of our insensitivity toward this religion.

Therefore, I sincerely put out the following question. On September 11th, 2001, did the 19 hijackers carry a copy of the “Holy Qu’ran” with them, when they few 4 planes into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the fields of Pennsylvania killing 3,000 innocent Americans? If so, I would have to reasonably assume that those 19 Korhans would have been burned in the resulting conflagrations.

Do suicide bombers carry Qurans with them when they walk into a busy shopping center and detonate themselves in the name of Allah?

In the hope towards better understanding of this “religion of peace”, I legitimately ask: Is Quoran burning appropriate, only when you are killing yourself along with other innocents around you? Or is it the responsibility to keep the Holy Kuran in a safe place, say in your soon-to-be-former home when you walk out that special day to meet the 72 virgins in the name of Allah?

Perhaps Islamic experts could instruct us on the appropriate protocol. I understand the Imam who wants to build the mosque near the ruins of the former towers would be knowledgeable in this area, as would the current President of the United States, who himself proudly boasts of his Islamic schooling. As both are quite competent in this field, perhaps they would be willing to provide answers to these burning questions?